Why should I buy a pet bed?
Dogs and cats are both territorial by nature and gravitate towards the same areas of your home to relax, nap and sleep. A dog bed or cat bed that's perfectly sized for them can enhance their comfort while giving them a special spot in the home.
Where do you put a pet bed?
Ideal spots are quiet, away from foot traffic (i.e. noisy TVs or running feet!) and somewhere they can settle. Many people choose to put their dog pillow beds upstairs, close to the bedrooms, or even adjacent to their bed when a pup is young.
Do dogs like pet beds?
The truth is, dogs need beds just like we do, and they are beneficial for a variety of reasons. Here are just a few of these reasons: A Place of Their Own: Just like puppies feel safe and at home in their cages, a dog bed is a place where adult dogs can be the master of their domain.